Donations and legacies to the Sheffield General Cemetery Trust are really important to the Trust. They help us to keep the Cemetery’s parkland, buildings and natural setting attractive and safe for our visitors and to support new initiatives. This will be especially important in future. The Trust will need to evolve to a central role in ensuring that the large investment in the landscape and structures of the Cemetery by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and National Lottery Community Fund, alongside Sheffield City Council, creates a lasting benefit to the local communities long after the major project has ended.
We use legacies and donations and money raised from fundraising to ensure that the Cemetery and its natural environment are kept as an openly accessible space for the enjoyment and study of both history and nature – our grounds never close, and it takes a lot of work to keep them in good condition and to continue to develop them for the benefit of Sheffielders and visitors.
If you would like to make a donation to the Sheffield General Cemetery Trust, please send your cheque (with your name and address) to:
The Sheffield General Cemetery Trust, The Gatehouse, Cemetery Avenue, Sheffield S11 8NT.
As a charity, the Trust can take advantage of Gift Aid – thus increasing the value of any donation by 25% at no extra cost to the donor.
You can also make a donation by using the bank details below or by making a payment with your credit or debit card through Square by clicking this link or button below.
Payment Reference: Donation
Sheffield General Cemetery Trust
Account Number – 20142443
Sort Code – 60 83 01
Legacies & Bequests
Sheffield General Cemetery Trust is a registered charity (no. 1103158). This means that the amount of any legacy of the value of any bequest left to the Trust does not incur any inheritance tax. Legacies and bequests, of any size, are tremendously valuable and very gratefully received
To help supporters who may be thinking of this form of planned giving, the Trust has prepared a brochure which provides more information and suggested wordings for you to discuss with your solicitor.
If you have any suggestions about fundraising then please email [email protected] or write to The General Manager, Sheffield General Cemetery Trust, The Gatehouse, Cemetery Avenue, Sheffield S11 8NT.
Thank you.